What do I have to offer ministry?

Using My Gifts For God's Glory.

A Spiritual Gift Inventory.


This is a self survey, not a test.  There are no right or wrong answers.  Therefore, be sure to let your responses reflect your opinion of yourself.  Further, this survey will not be shared with anyone except who you choose to share it with.  It is our hope that this questionnaire will assist you in determining some of your spiritual gifts by your responses to statements.  After you finish the questionnaire the results are returned to your computer immediately after pressing the submit button.

Please choose the most appropriate answer for each statement.  When you have completed the inventory click "Submit" to proceed to the interpretation sheet. Many have found it helpful to have another person, who knows you well, to answer this survey for you.

Note:  The input from this form is used only to create a custom page that appears on your browser.  The information is not stored or evaluated by any person or computer other than you and your computer.  No personal identification is requested by this form.  We believe this form is safe for all to use and its only purpose is for your information.

  1. I like being involved with other cultures
  2. People tell me that my suggestions to them are helpful in their lives
  3. I enjoy using my hands to make things for ministry
  4. I like thinking of new ways to get a message across
  5. I am able to pay careful attention to organizational details
  6. I find myself able to sense when a person is being untruthful
  7. I love to cheer people up
  8. I find that I can trust God to do things that others are doubtful about
  9. I don't understand people who don't tithe
  10. I sometimes feel a strong specific burden to pray for someone's healing
  11. I love to try to make people feel welcome
  12. I am really concerned about people I know who are not Christians
  13. I feel compelled to tell people how relevant the Bible is today
  14. I feel responsible to help people grow in their faith
  15. I love to study the Bible so that I can explain it better
  16. I feel that I can apply God's Word to people's lives in helpful ways
  17. I enjoy seeing a project completed well
  18. I feel a desire to be part of God's work among other cultures/groups
  19. I am a good listener
  20. Sometimes I sense something specific that a person isn't telling me
  21. I don't mind taking the initiative to get things going
  22. I find it very hard to just walk past needy people on the street
  23. I find joy in using my creative skills to make something for ministry
  24. I'm able to communicate creatively
  25. I sometimes sense that people are being deceived by someone
  26. I notice when people are missing from church services and contact them
  27. I can't imagine not having non Christian friends to tell about Christ
  28. Meeting new people is enjoyable to me
  29. I like guiding a team of people to get things done
  30. I've often had the experience of telling someone something that they say is just the thing they needed to hear
  31. I can grasp a vision of what could be accomplished for God's glory and motivate people to work towards it
  32. I prefer being in the background helping out
  33. I feel really sad about people who are disadvantaged
  34. In my opinion the Bible is very clear and I like to get its message across
  35. People have been restored to wholeness after I've prayed for them
  36. I'd rather be given a list of things to do than sit and talk about them
  37. I am comfortable inviting people to my home
  38. My hunches are very often proven right
  39. I find that I am able to get difficult ideas across with clarity
  40. I like being involved in drama and the arts
  41. People often ask me for advice
  42. I love to help people get along well with others
  43. I can get a sense from God that He wants to heal someone
  44. People often tell me my prayers for them are answered
  45. I like to see my money used for the Kingdom of God
  46. I am an adventuresome person when it comes to crossing barriers
  47. I could happily spend more time trying to help people understand their problems and deal with them
  48. I like working with tools and materials to provide resources to enhance others' ministry
  49. I know I can sometimes size up a situation more quickly than others
  50. I think that evangelism is the most important function of the church and am concerned about those who disagree
  51. I like to write encouragement cards, phone or visit people who are discouraged
  52. I find prayer to be a real joy to me and don't notice time passing
  53. I think it's fair to say that I am very generous in my giving
  54. I can joyfully do jobs that others may find menial
  55. I can see the "big picture" of ministry quite easily
  56. I love to care for people
  57. I like to preach and can do so with a sense of power
  58. I enjoy the privilege of guiding people towards maturity
  59. I like explaining things to people
  60. I recognize that I am an insightful person
  61. I like to make things run smoothly and efficiently
  62. I enjoy starting new ministries or programs
  63. I am able to give specific suggestions to help people deal with problems
  64. I am creative and resourceful in making and fixing things
  65. I enjoy a variety of forms of worship
  66. I can sense phoniness quickly
  67. I feel a calling to spur others on
  68. I have been able to lead others to Christ quite often
  69. I love to have my faith stretched
  70. I really feel that I've been blessed by God with material resources
  71. I have been able to pray for physical healing for others with success
  72. I count it a privilege to do any job that needs doing around the church
  73. I enjoy trying to make people feel comfortable
  74. I am sometimes surprised at what I say to someone but know it is what God wanted me to say
  75. I have been told that I am a good leader
  76. I can show honor and respect to people that others avoid
  77. I like to apply Biblical truth to world events
  78. I enjoy giving pastoral care to individuals and groups
  79. People understand ideas and principles that I teach
  80. I feel grateful that I have gained real wisdom through my walk with the Lord and find delight in sharing it with others