What do I have to offer ministry?
Using My Gifts For God’s Glory.
A Spiritual Gift Inventory.
This is a self survey, not a test. There are no right or wrong answers. Therefore, be sure to let your responses reflect your opinion of yourself. Further, this survey will not be shared with anyone except who you choose to share it with. It is our hope that this questionnaire will assist you in determining some of your spiritual gifts by your responses to statements. After you finish the questionnaire the results are returned to your computer immediately after pressing the submit button.
Please choose the most appropriate answer for each statement. When you have completed the inventory click "Submit" to proceed to the interpretation sheet. Many have found it helpful to have another person, who knows you well, to answer this survey for you.
Note: The input from this form is used only to create a custom page that appears on your browser. The information is not stored or evaluated by any person or computer other than you and your computer. No personal identification is requested by this form. We believe this form is safe for all to use and its only purpose is for your information.