Taste great, . . .Most Filling
Thursday, March 30, 2000
He must become greater; I must become less.
-- John 3:30, New International Version
One of the greatest shifts a person makes is from
immature to mature. As a child we want to be the center of
attention. We tend to be in the "me" world. It is all about
me. But as we get older(?), as we experience more in life, we realize we
are a part, but not the whole.
Hear the Good News, when we
have Jesus become more and put our selfishness aside and become less, we do
great things. Lives change, especially our own. When was the last
time you put Jesus before you? I hope right now.
Dear Father in heaven, in my heart and in my life, help me to
have Jesus be the greater influence in my life and allow me to
become less selfish and self centered. I know the world does not revolve
around, although at times I wish it did and think it does. Free me for
Your direction. In Jesus' name I ask it. Amen.