The Real Gift
Tuesday, January 18, 2000
For you know that it was not with perishable things such as
silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life
handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious
blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.
-- 1 Peter 1:18-19, New International Version
Things. You know that sayings, "the one with the most
toys at the end is the one who wins. This drive and this determining
element in our life can be the fall of all we know and all we are truly about.
Don't misunderstand me, there are certain things I want, such as a nice home
to retire in, a specific type of car, if not two, nice closes, the same for
Amy, my wife. When we have children, I want them to be able to do the
types of things they want to do, teach them history by traveling to different
places and allow them to go to what ever school it is they chose. I
would love to have a kitchen that would allow me to cook and experiment with
different styles, take some culinary courses on the side, etc. You get
the picture. I have dreams, wants and desires. Our free will is a
gift from God. theses wants and desires are what lead us to God.
While these dreams and wishes or even goals, might make us feel or
comfortable, the real satisfaction comes from somewhere else. These
things are like drinks that leave you still thirsty.
But listen to the Good News, we
are redeemed from an empty way of life, one in which we remain thirsty through
Christ, who quenches our thirst. Know without a doubt in your heart,
Christ's gift of life, of love, of hope, fills each and every deep need we
have. Those dreams, wants, desires and goals, though they may be
unattainable, become secondary when we have the redemptive power of Christ
directing our life!
Father, I thank You for bringing a sense of peace to my longing.
Though I may tend to seek things to replace emptiness in my life, remind me of
Your presence. Allow me to faithful to the calling You have in my life.
Let me share Your Good News with everyone I meet.