The Permanent

Monday, July 31, 2000


For this world in its present form is passing away.

-- 1 Corinthians 7:31b


There are few things in life that are really permanent. And while Styrofoam and plastic are close, even they will see an end of sorts. Jobs, hair, youthful figures and energy, they too will see their end. Yet, so very often, we put all of our time, our energy into things that are anything but long lasting, all along needing to be thinking about that which does last. This is the world of instant gratification and temporary satisfaction that we live in.

Hear the Good news, Christ offers to us a life that does not pass away. Christ offers a life that surrounds us with the love and Grace of God. A life that will not be fleeting or pass away.

In a world where monthly payments last longer than the excitement of the item being paid for, Jesus offers to us a peace, a joy, a satisfaction with life and other people, that can last longer than our bodies can live. Work for things that are not temporary. Live a life that is surrounded by real, by true satisfaction. That satisfaction comes from being in a relationship with Jesus.


Lord, of all the things I know about, You, Your Love and Your Presence are the only elements that last forever. I want to know you and be changed by you. I want you to be my focus. Please, come and dwell within my heart. Change my life and let it be pure and let it be yours. Please awaken my heart to things of eternal significance and open my eyes so I can see through the things that are transitory. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.