Happy Valentines
Friday, February 4, 2000
But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy,
made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions -- it is by
grace you have been saved.
-- Ephesians 2:4-5, New International Version
There is nothing in this world like it. People have fought
for it, because of it. People have died for it and from the lack of it.
It is something given, but never available on demand. It is one of the
few things we can only give and receive when we are really ready for it.
Looking back on your life, you no doubt
have experienced at least one of the forms of love: Philia,
Eros, and Agape. Philia, is
the love I have for my brother, my sister, my family. Amy. It is
the desire to be in relationship with that person. Someone to whom you
might feel closely connected to. Eros, is the love that is
passionate, from our heart, our soul. This is one of the most intimate
feelings we could ever know. Amy. Agape, love that flows
freely, however it may be undeserved, yet given equally to the murderer as
well as the victim. Christ. Sure there are three types of love
here, but really, there is but one form of love, that is the love that you
give from your heart to another. God. God gave to us, as both
murderer of peace and victim of chaos, new life, Love. Embrace the
love, the Grace God has given to you, to me, to everyone.
Your love, mercy, and grace have saved me, dear Father. I
lift Your name to the highest heavens. I open my heart, so you might be
the Lord of my life. Move me to the place where Love dominates my
thinking, my very being. Help me to share Your Good News to all I
encounter. Instead of having me think of ways to repay Your Grace,
help me to live out Your Grace, Your Love, all of my days. In Jesus'
name I pray. Amen.