Just do it!

Monday, January 10, 2000

   My son, if sinners entice you, do not give in to them.
    -- Proverbs 1:10, New International Version

   The real issue isn't "if" but "when"!  You hear so often that our kids are surrounded by tremendous peer pressure.  I would go so far to say, we are surrounded by the Peer Pressure of Society.  At work, are you climbing a "ladder" to reach a salary or position?  What are some of the things you have had to do to get to where you are, or to get to where you want to be?  What about the social circles?  What about some of your long lost "not so popular" friends?  Then to make matters worse, what do we do to contribute to this pressure on our acquaintances or children? 

    Well, hear the Good News, through Christ, we have been given strength and courage to live the life God has called us to.  We can not live this life alone, so Christ was sent to be our coach, our guide, and even better the one to allow us to have the great "do-over" in our life.
    The Proverb identifies that there will be sin around us, and we are to resist.  Know that through Christ, you can do this, by His Grace.  How you might ask?  Just do this one moment, one situation at a time.
   O God, I do face temptations and enticements.  Please guard my
heart, my life, and my example.  Help me be a person of character
and integrity. In addition, please enable me to guide, guard, and
warn my children -- both those in the flesh and those in the faith.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.