Wednesday, March 1, 2000
How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we
should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the
world does not know us is that it did not know him.
-- 1 John 3:1, New International Version
To belong is such an important thing. Moreover, to have one
love us, well, that is priceless. When we experience this type of
relationship, things change, we change. Our focus and direction usually
are the elements of our life that become most effected. Because we want
to grow together and not apart, our lives reflect the love and belonging of
this relationship.
Hear the Good News, God is in
this type of relationship. He is reaching out to us, because He want to
be in relationship with us. He in turn, will bring a focus about our
life and a direction that will forever change and transform us into all we can
be. Experience the Glory of the Lord.
Thank You, dear Heavenly Father, for the incredible blessing of
being Your child. I know that while I may not fully understand the
magnitude of this relationship, allow me to grow with You, making me
closer to You. Then, I pray, help me to share Your love with others.
In Jesus' name. Amen.