A warming presence

Thursday, December 2, 1999


O LORD, ...be not silent. Do not be far from me, O Lord. Awake, and rise to my defense! Contend for me, my God and Lord. 

    -- Psalm 35:22-23, New International Version

    God sometimes seems to be distant and not to be listening to us, especially when things are not going right. Think of the hundreds of years Israel was in bondage praying for God's promised Deliverer. "Isn't God listening?" they must have repeatedly wondered. Yet at the right time, God sent his Son and brought deliverance. Thankfully, God doesn't ask us to pretend that everything is okay when it isn't. He filled the Psalms with cries for deliverance and help. The past couple of years, I have found God to be present and protecting, even in the midst of trouble.  While we may not always understand what is going on around us, rest assured, you are not alone.

Almighty God, may your name be revered in all the earth just as it is among the angels of heaven. Show the power and might of your Kingdom in our day. Deliver your Church and your children from the hands of the evil one. May our lives be lived to your glory, now and forevermore. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.