E-votional – Who's Your Daddy?!
March 21, 2001
God knows your hearts."
-- Luke 16:15
Walking up to a stranger, offering to help or assist someone in need means different things to different people.  The parable of the Good Samaritan illustrates this point beautifully.  People have reasons for acting and not acting.  To go so far as to judge the "right of these activities are are not really for us.  What drives us and the "why's" of our actions, many times are not known to others.  Acts of both benevolence and selfishness are truly only known to the actor.  But there is another that knows the truth.
Hear the Good News, God does in fact know our heart.  This is especially good news to those who make mistakes through good intentions.  Each time we reach out and act in a manner that glorifies God,  as long as we are being faithful to God's call on our life and scripture, it will be okay.  I guess the point is this: listen to God, respond to God, and do not worry about the ridicule or anything else that might come.  Do we answer to man or to God?
As mistake prone as I am, and as imperfect as some of my actions are, Lord, keep my heart true to You.  Lord, I feel You have blessed me with a Heart and Spirit that can come only from You, and for that I thank You.  Let everything I do, glorify You.  Let me listen to the promptings from my heart and give me the strength and the courage to follow through on just that.  You do know me, and oh, that feels so good.   Thank You for all You have done in my life, and all You will continue to do, through Christ our Lord I pray.  Amen.