The exchange happens, it is who we are. We hear the words and sound. Casey crying in the morning, calling for us to wake up and let her greet the day and all of it's challenges again. Sight. Whether watching from afar or nearby we can see. Our heart can be made to race or ache by what enters into our sight. Then there is of course smell. The smell of barbeque, or fresh baked bread fills not only the air, but creates a desire in us to fill our stomach. But these exchanges are more two-dimensional and cry out for more don't they? They desire contact, touch. Make it real.
Hear the Good News, through the gift of touch, we have the power to heal and change lives. Jesus, after waking one morning, begins to heal people. Person after person draws power from Jesus, each with a touch from the Master. Someone may say hello to you, but when they stick out their hand to shake or open their arms for a hug this requires participation. The hello leaves the ears and the lips and now enters into the soul. A pat on the back a hug can change a day, even a live. In the aftermath and wake of loss or pain, the thing we desire more than anything is, you guess it, touch. I wish I could reach out and touch you today, but will simply hug Amy, Casey and Hailey instead.
Touch, it is like an answer to a nightmare, it makes us feel good and at peace. You have touched my life, Father, and for that I give You thanks. Allow me to reach out and be a part of Your healing in the world. Remind me and inspire me to hug a friend in need, to share a simple pat on the back with another, let me truly engage my brothers and sisters really. Thank You for all that You have done in my life and all You will continue to do, for I ask this through Christ, my Lord and Savior. Amen.