E-votional –  The promise
March 8, 2001
I will always keep the promise I have made to you and your descendents, because I am your God and their God.' " 

-- Genesis 17:7
Promises mean so much, and they can cost us quite a bit too.  When we make a promise, we covenant with the other to be faithful in what we said and to do so with the same love and compassion that was present in the promise.
Hear the Good News, God's covenant with us is realized through Jesus.  God, in his love and wisdom, renews the covenantal nature of His love for us not twice, but three times.  The flood, Abramscovenant, the Commandments, and now His very own Son.  God reaches out to us let's reach back.
Lord, all of my life You have searched me out, reached out for me.  No longer is back turned from You, I reach out to You.  Thank You for the Love you have shown me.  Allow me to graciously share this love with others.  Thank You for all You have done in my life, and all You will continue to do, through Christ our Lord I pray.  Amen.