Special Valentines Bonus Attachment
E-votional –  The Great Lesson
February 14, 2001
. . .[B]ut whoever wishes to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be slave to all." 

-- Mark 10:43-44
Two little boys are fighting over breakfast, seeing which one get the pancakes first, the mother walks over and says, "You know, Jesus said the greatest will be the ones who are last and the one who is first will be the lesser.  He decided to put everyone else first!"  The two boys stopped for a second, the mother went into the kitchen, only to hear fighting again.  This time she came out and asked what was going.  To which one of the boys replied, "I want him to be Jesus this time."  We all want to be the servant God calls us to be, but we still want to be first, greatest, and up front.
Hear the Good News, Jesus' message is a way of life that can and will change your life.  As we encounter Jesus, the Teacher, we are shaped and formed into His likeness.  We begin to embody His way of life, thus effecting the whole world. 
This is how the message of Christ spread so well.  This is why we know Christ today.  People had their life changed so profoundly, they committed themselves to sharing this Good News.  As we begin to decide how it is we will respond to Christ's message and teachings, remember, we are not only here for us, but for all of the lives we have been effected by and all of the lives we effect.  Accept your place a the teacher you are.
Lord, thank You for teaching me and making such a difference in my life.  Help me to teach those I encounter, teach them what it means to be a servant. It is through Your Son, that I have found what it means to be great, what it means to serve.  Thank You for all You have done in my life, and all You will continue to do, through Christ our Lord I pray.  Amen.