E-votional - Prayer
February 11, 2003


He was praying in a certain place, and after he had finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.”

Luke 11:1 (NRSV)


Aboo Geheaha adodo doejoe . . . haha, bebe, momma, dadee, ah-mean. Dinner last night. was incredible. It was not the left-over soup, the home-made chicken nuggets eaten because they were made, not loved, nor was it the English muffin pizza that Casey munched on. Dinner was incredible, fabulous because Casey wanted to pray this time. AS she began to mumble those words that captured her thoughts and emotions, as she paused for just the right word and articulation, my thoughts wondered if she knew what she was saying, then it happened, haha (her name for Hailey based on her panting sounds), bebe, momma, dadee, ah-mean. What to say, what to think. What an impact.

Hear the Good News, prayer is real, prayer is powerful and it is heard. Those words uttered by a little child of God, were heard by God, understood by God, also touched and impacted me. Certainly, we pray at different times in our life and for different reasons, yet I wonder what happens if prayer becomes such a common and regular part of life, that our children and those around us begin to learn and model prayer after us? Here is another thought, if someone, who was around you regularly decided to model their spiritual disciplines after you, what would they look like? Prayer, Bible study, worship, service? What a responsibility we have, what a commission we have been given.


   Gracious Father, it is by grace that You have changed my life and offered me a different way to live and to love. Instill within my heart a passion for people, for service, and for You. Remind me that it is not my deeds that determine Your presence, but Your presence that direct my deeds. Thank You for all You have done and all You will continue to do, for I ask this through Christ, my Lord and Savior. Amen.