E-votional - Justice
November 2, 2001
"[Since they hated knowledge and did not choose to fear the LORD...] they will eat the fruit of their ways and be filled with the fruit of their schemes."

Proverbs 1:31 (NIV)


    Growing up, I did not quite understand why some people got away with everything, while others, like myself, could get away with absolutely nothing. If I was in the wrong, BOOM, I was nailed. To make matters even worse, I was not really one to try to get away with something just to say I could, it was usually due to thoughtlessness or stupidity. For a while I thought it was God getting me. But I was stuck with, "what about that guy?"

    Hear the Good News, This is quite the interesting passage.  Does God cause us to experience pain when we do wrong?  I don't think so.  Do we reap what we so?  This I believe.  This may not always happen, but in one way or another, we are held accountable for what we do.  Where then is Grace?  It is there.  Grace does not get you out of trouble, Grace allows you make a new choice and move on.  With the many thing that go on in our life and the decisions we make, I pray that I make the decisions that are faithful to God.  I want to eat of God's fruit and be filled with that of God's Grace, Peace, hope and Love.


   Father of justice and mercy, thank you for saving me by your Grace. Allow me to share Your ways with others, help them to understand Your Fruit and Your Grace.  In you, and you alone, do I find my sense of what is right and fair.  I cry out to you, O God, for justice and deliverance for your people who are oppressed, ridiculed, and persecuted.  Thank You for all that You have done in my life and all You will continue to do, for I ask this through Christ, my Lord and Savior. Amen.