E-votional - Jesus Loves The Little Children
February 5, 2002

"[B]ut Jesus said, "let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs."

Matthew 19:14 (NRSV)


   She lumbers down the AISLE ;- ). Full of joy, excitement, looking at all of the people that are there in the church. No, it is not an image of Amy, for she glides, nor my sister, because she was on a cloud. No, this Casey. My little one. When it is time for the children's moment at the church, she understand that everyone is there for her. Or so she thinks. But shouldn't this be the case? Shouldn't every single person alive, thing the church, at least at that moment is there for them. No fear, no nervousness, no anxiety, just comfort. Yet, we do tend to complicate matters don't we.

   Hear the Good News, the kingdom belongs to the little children.  What an image.  It makes you wonder what is so significant about a child that makes them so special in Jesus' eyes.  If you look at them, they only know what they feel. They aren't much for the thinking mode yet. More reactive and instinctual, they might touch a hot flame twice, but they also might love you anyway. They might dirty that diaper when ever they feel like, or laugh as they exercise the one word they know, "no, no, no, no, no." But when they see you they light up, as though they see something in you that you could never imagine. Maybe, maybe they see that presence of Christ in you, in spite of you. The bottom line is they love.  They don't hide their emotions.  Little children ask questions.  They thank God for ice cream.  Listen to their prayers.  Honest, from the heart, without the flowered language of adults.  Ever see a child hate? I am not talking about artichokes (why we introduced that, I will never know). Love is not a banana, nor hate a vegetable.  I have yet to meet a jaded callused child, unless of course an adult has "taught them the facts of life."  Oh what we could learn, what we should learn from a child. Do you remember the song?  Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world, . . .. 


   Father, remind me of my child-like love. Forgive me for being callused in your world. For the pre-judging and hate that does dwell within me. Help me to love and welcome all those whom You have place here. Thank You for all that You have done in my life and all You will continue to do, for ask this through Christ, my Lord and Savior. Amen.