Hear the Good News, as Jesus wandered and taught throughout Jerusalem during his last week of life, he addressed many a thing, but nothing more than what it means to be a kingdom person. He reminded those who listened, we have all been given gifts, use them. He helped people understand that even if they thought they did not have much, they always had their heart, their being. "We are to love." We are to serve." "Don't just sit on your hands." I think we all know someone in our life that reminds us of what Jesus was saying. We all know someone who "got it." When you look back upon your life, what will you see? Service or selfishness. Compassion or indifference. So to people like Graham, Ma, Brad, and all of the others who got it, who understand what the Gospel is about, thanks for giving us a working example. Why don't we take up the role of being that example to others?