E-votional - Help!
April 10, 2003


Jesus said to him, “If you are able!—All things can be done for the one who believes.” Immediately the father of the child cried out, “I believe; help my unbelief!”

Mark 9:23-24 (NRSV)


   Sunday was most remarkable, unforgettable and life changing. Prayers were shared, hymns sung, the word read and the sermon shared. As we left, the sky looked ominous. A dark gray with clouds gliding across the sky, this same sky looked as if it would bring trouble. Little did we know, how could we know the extent of the damage that would be suffered throughout the county. When all was said and done, homes were damaged or lost, cars were crushed, furniture and appliances were ruined, and clothes were gone. As the stormed cleared and shock set in, a common question was what do I do, where do I go. Then something remarkable came to focus. It was God.

   Hear the Good News, when we find ourselves surrounded by trouble, in the midst of doubt and hopelessness, we need only to open our eyes to see the presence of God. After the carnage and destruction hit the Tatum area, there were strangers and friends working together, trying to reach out to help. The help they brought was more than labor, tools and supplies. The help cleared more than fallen trees. This help brought with them hope and cleared away the foggy doubt that is present in the loss and tragedy. As the people share their stories, God come forward again and again. People crawling out of piles, closets and rooms bring to light the fact that none were seriously injured. Moreover, God is stirring the hearts of others to seek out their distraught brothers and sisters to provide help, care and love. Maybe there is something you could do? Maybe God is stirring within you.

The needs are many. Materials, Building Supplies, Furniture, Trailer Homes, Vehicles, Volunteers to build and clean up, Bull Dozers to move rubble, Utility Poles, Skilled Labor for the evaluation, assessment and repair of the home which are repairable, Financial assistance given through your church to one of the agencies which will be able to assist in the long-term repair and re-building process. I am coordinating the volunteer effort for the area/county. If you have any questions, feel free to call or e-mail me back.


   Gracious God, Your care for us is often overlooked, yet it by no means suggests Your absence. You care for us when we are surrounded by doubt and despair. Help me to understand all things can be done through You. Remove my unbelief. Strengthen my faith that I may be able to share it others. Thank You for all you have done in my life and all you will continue to do, for I come to You through Jesus Christ, my Lord, my Savior! Amen.