E-votional - Darkness
March 29, 2002

"Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, 'I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.' "

John 8:12 (NRSV)


   The absence of light, darkness offers really nothing. It fosters a lack of discipline or control. There is nothing to see and therefore no vision. As a child there was nothing so fearful than to go into a dark room or walk down a dark deserted hallway. Light was needed to see what was around the corner and what else might lurk within the darkness. God, brought order to chaos by bringing light into the darkness. And now, referred to as the Light of the World, Jesus comes in, bringing hope and peace embodied by love. Yet the world chose darkness and that Light was extinguished.

   Hear the Good News, though the light was extinguished, it comes again. Yes, for every Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, there is an Easter! Friday, a dark day, one filled with the Stations of the Cross, a day in which the people chose Barabbas over Jesus, is answered with Easter and the empty tomb. The truth is that we have the light in our life. It is there. Our hope is to chose Jesus each and every day, but there are times when we do fall and fail. As we mature within our faith, those moments of stumbling become fewer and further between. As we surround ourselves with Scripture, Prayer and Moments for Honoring God, we strengthen the hold the light has on us and distance ourselves from falling into darkness. Darkness, while it can be frightening, can be overcome simply by introducing light.


   Gracious God, light is what I need and You have brought to me The Light. Pure and illuminating, Christ has been brought for me. I pray that Your light surrounds me all of my days. Thank You for all that You have done in my life and all You will continue to do, for ask this through Christ, my Lord and Savior. Amen.