Believe me. Believe this. Believe that. Believe anything and everything that is around or has to do with what has been said. To not only believe it in your head, but to have this belief be the life blood that rushes through your veins, bringing warmth to the surface of your skin and the deepest reaches of your body, and having this warmth be the life and understanding by which you live. This is what it is to be convinced.
Hear the Good News, through Jesus Christ we have the opportunity to be convinced of grace and hope in our life. Each day there are two different TV programs that is on the pit lawyer against lawyer. Each side offers compelling reason and rhyme as to why one side should be believed over the other. It is the job of one to prove their point without a reasonable measure of doubt, while the other is to introduce doubt. The end results in the writer scripting an eloquent speech for one side or the other while scripting a less than convincing argument for the other side so that the viewer also becomes an active participant in the litigation argument and decision. This means the viewer then is convinced and by being convinced, the writer succeeds in adding the viewer to the program. Friends, the Gospel was written and introduced to each and everyone of us by the Writer of writers. Flowing from the pen of the Holy Spirit, it not only engages each reader, but offers the greatest of opportunities to us to be active participants in the life that is shared through this ink, this red ink of Christ. Compelled and drawn into the living story within the Gospel, we will, in the end, as we allow it, become the main players and most active participants of it's story. Dive in and be convinced.
Prayer:Gracious Father, the Word made flesh, this is the gift and secret of the Gospel. Help me to embrace and encounter the message and life offered here. Let me live a life that is convinced of your presence, your grace and hope for my life, a life that is filled with Your calling to do something. This something that is different and special. Thank You for all that You have done in my life and all You will continue to do, for I ask this through Christ, my Lord and Savior. Amen.