E-votional - Builders
June 6, 2001
"Like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house."
- 1 Peter 2:5 (NRSV)


While building building a shed here at the church, I have had the opportunity to watch as the foundation was cleared, base reassembled, then the walls, nail by nail and board by board added.  Currently we have added rafters and soon we will add a roof.  All elements are necessary.  Each build upon the other.  All individual, by themselves, the pieces would make a great miscellaneous pile, yet together, with the craftsmanship and skill of a builder, we have a shed that will weather wind, rain, and storm.
Hear the Good News, we, as living stones in the world of Faith, are all elements of the house of God.  Alone and left to our own devices, we might be laid aside and linger in a miscellaneous pile within the world.  But yet, with God as our craftsman, shaping and forming us, with the faith of others, we are indeed built into a spiritual house of God!  The question now remains, do you offer yourself as material to God, or do you wait, letting this thing called "fate", the notion that we don't want to take responsibility for our past, present, and/or future, direct our life.
Father, my Craftsman, the Creator and Designer of life and my faith, I offer myself You.  Use me, allow me to be used in strength and weakness that Your wisdom and presence might direct my very heart, soul, and passion.  Finally, let that which You do in me make a positive difference in all I encounter. Thank you Father, for all You have done and all You will continue to do in my life.  Amen.